High-temperature gas flare HT

Fully automatic gas flare for the combustion of biogas and other flammable gases in accordance with TA-Luft with automatic exhaust temperature control at 1000°C and dwell time of at least 0.3 sec.

Area of application: Thermal disposal of combustible and surplus gases (e.g. landfill gas plants) or special gases.

HT flares are supplied with heat-resistant ceramic lagging (up to 1400°C) and automatically controlled air flaps. After receiving the start signal from the system control unit, the automatic burner control unit opens the corresponding valves and the ignition sequence is initiated simultaneusly.

  • Concealed combustion >1000 °C
  • Dwell time of 0.3 sec (TA-Luft)
  • Isolated combustion chamber
  • Low-noise & low-pollutant according to DWA-M 305
  • Concealed combustion according to TA-Luft
  • Fully automatic control, flame monitoring, and ignition device, based on automatic gas burner control, in accordance with EN 746-2
  • Certified fittings (ATEX, DVGW)
  • Entirely made of stainless steel
  • Configuration for higher H2S content on request
  • Made in Austria

You can read the exact product data in our PDF file, which you can download here for free.

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